/***/ Workshop in Electronics & Comm. Engg. - SKITM

Workshop in Electronics & Comm. Engg.

Workshop in Electronics & Communications

An awareness seminar on UPSC Civil Services is conducted for the students of pre-final year and final year.

An Expert Lecture on the topic “Embedded Systems and Applications of AVR Microcontroller”

A Seminar on “Applications of IoT” in various domains like industrial, medical, armed forces and many more. Details of supporting technologies like Raspberry-Pi and Aurdino were also shared with the students.

An Expert Lecture on “Evolutions on Technologies in Hyper-Connected World” is conducted.

A workshop on “PCB Designing & Fabrication” is conducted for 2nd-year students.

Hands on training for designing PCB on Eagle software followed by hardware fabrication and component assembly were covered. Post that circuit fabrication testing is done by the students to ensure proper working of the circuit.