
Harsh Tiwari, B.Tech (CS), selected as Best Goal Keeper in RGPV State level Football Tournament

  • December 11, 2022 - 09:00
  • SKITM, Indore

Braking…Harsh Tiwari BE I Year (CS) has been selected as Best Goal Keeper in RGPV State level Football Tournament (2022-23) held on 11-13 Dec at IES Group of Institutions, Bhopal. It is also worth mentioning that *Harsh Tiwari has been selected to participate at National level🏆*.Heartiest congratulations to the individual and his mentors and best wishes for all his future sports endeavors



  • Start Date:December 11, 2022
  • Start Time:09:00
  • End Date:December 13, 2022
  • End Time:16:00
  • Location:SKITM, Indore
  • Website:www.skitm.in