Applied Science Department
Head of Department
Department of Applied Science
Established under Transnational Knowledge Society’s, as one among the Departments of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, this department participates in B. Tech programs in various disciplines offered by the Faculty. The department works for grooming of First year students of all engineering streams of the institution. The program has earned a prestigious position for itself among similar programs available in the country.
The Department teaches the subjects of Applied Chemistry, Environmental Studies, Professional Communication, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics in the B. Tech. programs and an additional of basic subjects of all engineering disciplines like Graphics, Computer, Electronics, Mechanical and Civil. There are well qualified and experienced faculty members whose services.
The Departments well-equipped laboratories and rich curriculum provide ample opportunities to budding engineers to have hands-on experience of all practical’s which includes basics as well as initial core departments and inculcate scientific attitude among the students. are available to the department.
We at SKITM provides numerous of field knowledge to students by focusing in the areas of Industrial Visits, Rural Outreach plans, Regular visits to trenching ground, and specially the Jungle Camp. Online Competitions, interacting sessions with Alumnus, Expert lecture sessions and certification programs are our main USP’s.
Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities has a very vast vision to nurture and inculcate knowledge for understanding of engineering sciences amongst the budding technocrats and teach the students with intellectual and professional strength. ASH plays a role of base for professionals with the skills of engineering, imbibed with social, ethical and moral values, so that the pupils can expedite their efforts to build technologies from knowledge and be a part of the workforce.
a. To play a pivotal role in laying the foundations of engineering education by building the professional strengths of the students in basic sciences & engineering disciplines and strengthening the foundation of aspiring engineers.
b. To provide a unique learning environment for the students, preparing the students at par with the global technical workforce, building confidence, character and human values.
c. To upgrade the quality of technical education and produce dynamic engineers and entrepreneurs for the country, with a sole aim to spot SKITM amongst the best educational institutions of the nation.
a. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
b. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
c. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
d. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
e. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
f. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
g. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
h. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
i. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
j. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
k. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
l. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PEO1: – To strengthen the fundamental concepts of Applied Chemistry, Environmental Studies, Professional Communication, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics.
PEO2: – To develop the ability amongst students to synthesize data and technical concepts from applications to product design.
PEO3: – To provide students with a solid foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals required to solve engineering problems and also to pursue higher studies.
PEO4: – To inculcate in student’s professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skills, team work skills, multidisciplinary approach and an ability to relate engineering issues to broader social context.
PEO5: – To provide opportunities for students to collaborate and work in teams on multidisciplinary projects for accomplishing common goals and sensitize students to environmental and ethical issues.
S. No. | Name Faculty | Designation | Qualification | Email Address |
1 | Dr. Amit Udawat | Associal Professor and Head | Ph.D | [email protected] |
2 | Prof.Shweta Gaosandhe | Assistant Professor | M.Phil(Mathematics) | [email protected] |
3 | Prof. Monika Patil | Assistant Professor | M.Sc(Chemistry) | [email protected] |
4 | Prof.Aayushi Soni | Assistant Professor | M.A(English Lit.) | [email protected] |
5 | Dr. Paresh Vyas | Assistant Professor | M.Sc. Ph.D.(Physics) | [email protected] |
6 | Dr. Neha Joshi | Assistant Professor | M.Sc.(Pharmaceutical Chemistry), MPSET (Chemistry), Ph.D. (Chemistry) | [email protected] |
7 | Prof. Divya Baraskar | Assistant Professor | M.E.(Water Resource Engg) | [email protected] |
8 | Prof. Ajay Sakalye | Assistant Professor | MSc. M.Phil (Physics) | [email protected] |
9 | Prof. Vishal Pawar | Assistant Professor | M.E.(Embedded System & Vlsi Design) | [email protected] |
10 | Prof. Manoj Mishra | Assistant Professor | B.Ed, B.Muse., M.A.(English), M.Phil.(English ), PhD (Pur) | [email protected] |
11 | Dr. Mamta Punjabi | Assistant Professor | M.Tech., Ph.D.(Computer Engineering) | [email protected] |
12 | Prof. Nandita Bajpai | Assistant Professor | M.Sc. Chemistry | [email protected] |
13 | Ashutosh Aithekar | Assistant Professor | MSc (Applied Mathematics)* Phd | [email protected] |
14 | Prof. Rajeev Dwivefi | Assistant Professor | ME (Heat Power & Thermal | [email protected] |
15 | Prof. Gayatri Gupta | Assistant Professor | MSc (Applied Mathematics), M. Tech, B. Ed | gayatri. [email protected] |
16 | Prof.Kalpana Todkari | Assistant Professor | M.E(Machine Design) | [email protected] |
S. No. | Name of Laboratory | Room No. | Floor |
1 | Engineering Physics Lab | 316 B | Third |
2 | Engineering Chemistry Lab | 304 | Third |
3 | Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering Lab | 305 B | Third |
4 | Basic Mechanical Engineering Lab | 305 A | Third |
5 | Basic Civil & Mechanics Engineering Lab | 305 C | Third |
6 | Communication and Language Lab | 317 C | Third |
7 | Basic Computer Engineering Lab | 305 D | Third |
Communication lab 317C | |||
S. No.
Name of Tool/Equipment/Machine | Quantity | |
1 | Computer systems | Monitor | 30 |
CPU | 30 | ||
Keyboards | 30 |
Chemistry lab BT(101) | ||
S. No. | Item Name | Quantity |
1. | Able’s Apparatus
02 |
2. | Pensky Marten’s Apparatus | 02
3. | Cleveland’s Apparatus | 01 |
4. | Conradson Apparatus | 01 |
5. | Redwood Viscometer No.01 | 02 |
6. | Redwood Viscometer No 02 | 01 |
7. | Cloud and pour point Apparatus | 02 |
8. | Hot Air Oven | 01 |
9. | Muffle furnace | 01 |
10. | Water Distillations unit
01 |
11. | Electronic Balance | 01 |
12. | Physical Balance | 01 |
13. | Stop Watch((Mechanical ) | 00 |
14. | Stop Watch (Digital) | 02 |
15. | Desicator | 02 |
16. | Digital TDS Meter | 01 |
17. | Turbidity Meter | 01 |
18. | pH Meter | 01 |
19. | Cone Penetroneter Apparatus ( Grease ) | 01 |
20. | Aniline Point apparatus | 01 |
21. | Steam Emulsification Number Apparatus | 01 |
22. | Canadarson Apparatus Carbon Residue | 01 |
Basic Civil lab | ||
S. No. | Item Name | Quantity |
1 | Arrows | 30 |
2 | Cross staff with pole | 06 |
3 | Metric chain (30m )
Metric chain (20m) |
03 |
4 | Gunter Chain | 01 |
5 | Prismatic Compass with Wooden Stand | 06 |
6 | Surveyor Compass | 02 |
7 | Plane Table with all accessories | 04 |
8 | Dumpy level with stand | 03 |
9 | Theodolite (Vernier Transit) with stand | 01 |
10 | Planimeter | 06 |
11 | Ranging Rod | 20 |
12 | Wooden Pegs | 20 |
13 | Leveling Staff | 03 |
14 | Vicat Apparatus | 02 |
15 | Slump Cone Apparatus with accessories | 01 |
16 | Sieve 90 micron | 02 |
17 | Sieve set of fine Agg. | 01 |
18 | Electronic Balance (10 kg) | 01 |
19 | Measuring Tape (Steel) 15 m | 02 |
20 | Measuring Tape (Steel) 30 m | 02 |
21 | Measuring Tape (Fiber) 15 m | 02 |
22 | Measuring Tape (Fiber) 30 m | 02 |
23 | Measuring Jar 1000 ml | 02 |
24 | Measuring Jar 100 ml | 02 |
25 | Mug | 01 |
26 | Trowel | 02 |
27 | Stop Watch | 02 |
Engineering Physics lab | ||
S. No. | Item Name | Quantity |
Digital transistor trainer with probe
01 |
2. | Hall effect setup
Guass meter N- type semiconductor Power supply for magnet Electro magnet |
01 |
3. | P N junction & Zener diode trainer | 01 |
4. | Energy band gap experiment trainer | 01 |
5. | Newtons ring apparatus | 01 |
6. | Spectrometer (3 Pcs.) | 01 |
7. | Photo cell, power supply, voltmeter, ammeter, filters for plank constant set
01 |
8. | Photo cell, power supply, voltmeter, ammeter, filters for plank constant set
01 |
9. | Telescope with stand micro meter variable shift | 01 |
10. | CRT, magneto meter, bar magnet for E/M apparatus | 01 |
11. | Andersons bridge trainer kit | 01 |
12. | Oscillator | 01 |
13. | Physics laboratory charts | 01 |
14. | Hall probe for Hall coefficient | 01 |
15. | Table lamps (5 Pcs.) | 01 |
16. | AC mains exp trainer kit | 01 |
17. | He- Ne laser | 01 |
18. | G.M. counter setups | 01 |
19. | Optical fiber experiment kit | 01 |
20. | Electronic weighing machine | 01 |
Engineering Physics lab | ||
S. No. | Item Name | Quantity |
1 | Digital transistor trainer with probe | 1 |
2 | Hall effect setup | 1 |
Guass meter | 1 | |
N- type semiconductor | 1 | |
Power supply for magnet | 1 | |
Electro magnet | 1 | |
3 | P N junction & Zener diode trainer | 1 |
4 | Energy band gap experiment trainer | 1 |
5 | Newtons ring apparatus | 1 |
6 | Spectrometer (3 Pcs.) | 1 |
7 | Photo cell, power supply, voltmeter, ammeter, filters for plank constant set | 1 |
8 | Photo cell, power supply, voltmeter, ammeter, filters for plank constant set | 1 |
9 | Telescope with stand micro meter variable shift | 1 |
10 | CRT, magneto meter, bar magnet for E/M apparatus | 1 |
11 | Andersons bridge trainer kit | 1 |
12 | Oscillator | 1 |
13 | Physics laboratory charts | 1 |
14 | Hall probe for Hall coefficient | 1 |
15 | Table lamps (5 Pcs.) | 1 |
16 | AC mains exp trainer kit | 1 |
17 | He- Ne laser | 1 |
18 | G.M. counter setups | 1 |
19 | Optical fiber experiment kit | 1 |
20 | Electronic weighing machine | 1 |
Basic Mechanical Engieering lab | ||
S. No. | Item Name | Quantity |
1 | Model of Cochran boiler | 1 |
2 | Model of Lancashire boiler | 1 |
3 | Model of locomotive boiler | 1 |
4 | Model of Babcock & Wilcox boiler | 1 |
5 | Model of steam engine | 1 |
6 | Model of four stork petrol engine | 1 |
7 | Model of four stork diesel engine | 1 |
8 | Model of two stork petrol engine | 1 |
9 | Model of two stork diesel engine | 1 |
10 | Model of spring loaded safety valve | 1 |
11 | Model of Francis turbine | 1 |
12 | Model of hydo electric power station | 1 |
13 | Model of anti priming pipe | 1 |
14 | Model of water gauge | 1 |
15 | Model of lever safety valve | 1 |
16 | Model of blow off cock | 1 |
17 | Slip gauge | 1 |
18 | Thread gauge | 1 |
19 | Combination set | 1 |
20 | Ammeter portable | 1 |
21 | Voltmeter portable | 1 |
22 | Wattmeter portable electrodynamometer | 1 |
23 | Surface plate | 1 |
24 | Multi Mater | 1 |
25 | Angle gauge set | 1 |
26 | Dial bore gauge | 1 |
27 | Micrometer (External) | 1 |
28. mo | Vernier depth | 1 |
29 | Feeler gauge | 1 |
30 | Round wire gauge | 1 |
31 | Plunge type dial gauge | 1 |
32 | Bevel angle protector | 1 |
33 | Round wire gauge | 1 |
34 | Radius gauge | 1 |
35 | Thermometer N.G Filled | 1 |
36 | Thermometer 0-150 C˙ Alcohol Filled | 1 |
37 | Francis turbine | 1 |
BEE lab | ||
S. No. | Item Name | Quantity |
1. | 3- Phase,3hp, induction Motor with mechanical | 1 |
Loading with Balanced load arrangement =1 | ||
2. | DC Motor Generator set | 1 |
With 3point starter =1 | ||
3. | DC shunt Motor Rating =1 | 1 |
4. | 1.0 K va single phase core type transformer =2 | 2 |
5. | 2.0k VA transformer cut section model =1 | |
6. | Watt meter portable, single element, single phase accuracy class 1, unity power factor (p.F.1.0)=3 | 3 |
7. | Wattmeter portable single element single phase accuracy class1, unity power factor type (P.F.1.0)=3 | 3 |
8. | LPF wattmeter =1 | |
1 | ||
9. | Rheostat | 2 |
290 OHMS, 1.6 Amp =2 | 2 | |
45 OHMS, 4.2 Amp=2 | 2 | |
48OHMS.3.3 Amp=2 | 1 | |
800, OHMS. 0.8 Amp=1 | 2 | |
1000 OHMS , 06 Amp=2 | 1 | |
160 OHMS. 1.8 Amp =1 | ||
10. | Panel for measurement of impedance in RL,RC &RLC circuit =1 | 1 |
11. | Inductive resistive | 1 |
Load | ||
12. | Lamp load for experiment on transformer 1 | 1 |
13. | Lamp load for DC generator load test 1 | 1 |
14. | Panel for measurement of power in single phase circuit with auto transformer 6A | 1 |
15. | Portable frequency meter | 1 |
16. | Study of no load current wave form in single phase transformer (panel) | 1 |
17. | Panel for experiment on transformer for open & short circuit 2 | 2 |
18. | Digital tachometer 2 | 2150×2= 3000,00 |
19. | Analog multi meter 2 | 2(450×2=900) |
20. | Diode characteristic | 1 |
trainer kit with | ||
meter & built in | ||
power supply | ||
21. | Logic gets trainer kit with meters & built in power supply | 1 |
22. | Universal Gates NAND/NORT trainer kit with meter &built in power supply | 1 |
23. | De Morgan’s thermo trainer kit with meters &Built in power supply 1 | 1 |
24. | Varies single phase Auto Transformer0-4 AMP=3 | 3 |
25. | Varies single phase Auto Transformer0-8AMP=1 | 1 |
26. | Rectifier unit input 380-440v three phase output 0-220VDCCap.30 A | 1 |
27. | Rectifier circuit trainer kit with built in meters 1 | 1 |
28. | Transistor characteristics apparatus with meter &power supply 1 | 1 |
29. | Moving Iron Portable Ammeter=2 | 2 |
Range:0-0.5/1.0 | 2 | |
Make :MECO | ||
Moving Iron portable Ammeter =2 | ||
31. | RANGE:2.5/5A | 2 |
RANGE:5/10A | ||
RANGE 25/50A | ||
RANGE;0-20AMP | ||
RANGE:0.5AMP | ||
RANGE;2.5AMP | ||
RANGE:15AMP | ||
RANGE:0-15/30V | ||
RANGE:50/100V | ||
RANGE:75/150V | ||
RANGE:150/300V | ||
RANGE:300/600V | ||
RANGE:0/75V | ||
RANGE:150V | ||
RANGE:300V | ||
48. | CRO Demonstrator 80 mm | 1 |
49. | Analog frequency meter 1 | 1 |
50. | Motor stator for 3 phase 3 HP motor 1 | 1 |
51. | Power factor meter panel 1 | 1 |
52. | Power supply 3 in 15V12-0-1V2-15V | 5 |
53. | MultiMeter(digital-risabh)=6 | 6 |
55. | MFM METER IP,230V RISHABH=3 | 4 |
56. | CRO =03 | 2 |
57. | Function Generator Kit = 05 | 5 |
58. | Digital multi miter(falcon)=02 | 2 |
59. | Network and Bridge Trainer (NBT-01)=02 | 2 |
60. | Digital frequency meter 1 | 1 |
61. | Trainer kit basic circuit | 9 |
62. | AM MOD/DEMOD kit 2 | 2 |
63. | Trainer kit basic discrete 1 | 1 |
Our Teachers
ASH Events
2024Bootcamp of AI Powered Data Analytics
- 09:00 - 16:00 (May 2, 2024)
- SKITM, Indore
2024SKITM Students Pledge to Vote
- 09:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Indore
2024International Mother Earth Day
- 09:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Indore
2024Workshop on Eco-friendly Holi Colour Preparation
- 09:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Indore
2024SKITM Collaborates with Patika Inc and Geeks of Gurukul
- 09:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Indore
2024Seminar on navigating the tech industry and securing placements in top tech industries.
- 09:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Auditorium
2023Electronic Component Identification, Selection, and PCB Designing Workshop!
- 11:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Indore
2023TCS Recruitment Orientation
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- 09:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Auditorium
2022Industry visit to Jimmy McGilligan Centre For Sustainable Development
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- 09:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Indore
2022Harsh Tiwari, B.Tech (CS), selected as Best Goal Keeper in RGPV State level Football Tournament
Braking…Harsh Tiwari BE I Year (CS) has been selected as Best Goal Keeper in RGPV…
- 09:00 - 16:00 (December 13, 2022)
- SKITM, Indore
2022Expert Talk on Chemical Analysis of Value Added Dailry Products and Their Quality
- 02:10 - 15:20
- SKITM, Auditorium
2022Induction Program 2022
- 09:00 - 16:00 (November 4, 2022)
- SKITM, Indore
2022Lord Ganesha Mangal Aarti by Dept. of ASH
- 11:00 - 11:30
- SKITM, Indore
2022Independence Day Celebration at SKITM, Indore
- 09:00 - 11:00
- SKITM, Indore
2022Farewell 2022
- 09:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Indore
2022Advisory Board Meeting 2022
Meeting Agenda Improvements in Technical Infrastructure Establishment of Corporate School MOUs and Collaborations Start-up Corpus…
- 10:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Board Room
2022Women's day 2022
- 10:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Auditorium
2022GAME EXPO 2022
Dear All, Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, SKITM has planned an event “GAME EXPO…
- 11:00 - 15:30
2022Expert talk on AI and Robotics
Dear all, You are cordially invited in the Expert talk on Artificial Intelligence and…
- 14:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Auditorium
2022Expert talk on Chemistry Unfold Milk Mystery
Dear All, Greetings! Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, SKITM Presents an Expert talk…
- 14:30 - 16:00
- SKITM, Auditorium
2022BLDC Motors used for Electric Vehicles
Dear All, Greetings! Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, SKITM Presents an Expert talk…
- 14:30 - 16:00
2022Flag Hoisting Ceremony
“Flag Hoisting’ceremony” at g:10 am on 26b January, 2o22,,The Republic Day”.
- 08:00 - 16:00
2022BYJUS Campus Recruitment on 25 Jan 2022
- 11:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Indore
2022Language Exhibition comes to Competition
Dear All, Greetings! *The English Language work in progress have fun with it* Language makes…
- 14:30 - 16:00
- SKITM, Indore
- 15:00 - 16:00
2022National Youth Day
On the occasion of National Youth Day, Shivajirao Kadam Group of Institutions is organising an…
- 11:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Auditorium
2022ASH organizing a Cultural Program SYNNOVE
Dear all, Greetings!!! Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, SKITM is organizing a Cultural Program…
- 12:30 - 04:00
- SKITM, Auditorium
2022Rural Outreach of B. Tech First Year students
Rural Outreach of B. Tech(First Year) students @Kevdeshwar Dham 5.1.2022 Coordinated by Prof. Manoj Mishra…
- 11:00 - 04:00
- Kevdeshwar Dham
2021Mathematics in Tabla
Dear All, Greetings! Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, SKITM Presents an Event Mathematics in…
- 03:00 - 04:00
- SKITM, Auditorium
2021Expert talk on Cement Technologies
Dear All, SKITM is organizing an Expert Talk for students of B. Tech First Year…
- 15:00 -
- SKITM, Auditorium
2021An Expert Session on Changing Yourself to Whole New
- 02:30 -
- SKITM, Indore
2021Expert Program on Three Dimensional Printing
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- SKITM, Indore
2021An expert talk conducted on Aspire to Engineering
An expert talk conducted on Aspire to Engineering by Mr Vinod Sathe Ex professor, SGSITS.…
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- SKITM, Indore
2021Dept of ASH: Student Induction Program
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- SKITM, Indore
2021Aug 15
Shivajirao Kadam Institute of Technology and Management Aug 15, 2021 Aug 15, Celebration at SKITM…
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- SKITM, Indore
2021360 Degree Design
Dear all, Greetings of the day!!! Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities Shivajirao Kadam Institute…
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- SKITM, Indore
2021Convergence: An Online Power Point Presentation Competition
Dear all, Greetings of the day!!! Department of Applied Science and Humanities, Shivajirao Kadam Institute…
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- SKITM, Indore
2021Women's day 2021
International Women’s Day is celebrated by the women’s cell of SKITM on March 8th, 2021.…
- 10:00 - 16:00
- SKITM, Auditorium
2019Expert Lecture of Punit Mishra
An expert session was organized by the applied science and humanities department of SKITM, Indore…
- 11:00 - 17:00
2019Workshop by Mr. Gourav Agrawal
The department of Applied Science conducted an internship on Object Oriented Programming. Mr. Gourav Agrawal,…
- 11:00 - 17:00
2019Visiting Trenching ground under swatch Bharat
All first-year B.Tech students visited *Trenching Ground* IMC Indore under *”swatch Bharat”* and witnessed how…
- 11:00 - 17:00
2018Rural outreach program
Rural outreach program Department of applied science, organized rural outreach program for B .tech 1st…
- 11:00 - 17:00
2018Industrial visit : Flavorite technologies
INDUSTRY VISIT TO FLAVORITE TECHNOLOGIES,TILLORE All the Students of B.Tech. First year visited Flavorite Technologies…
- 11:00 - 17:00
- SKITM, Indore
2018Industry Visit: Jimmy McGilligan Centre
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- 11:00 - 17:00
2018Expert Lecture on topic” DC Motors and Induction Motors”
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What Our Students Say
Gajanand Akhre father of Manasi Akhre
Hi, I am Gajanand Akhre. My daughter has completed B.Tech. with specialization in Computer Science & Engineering from Shivajirao Kadam Institute of Technology and Management, Indore. It has proven credible to be a part of this institute because of the outstanding academic culture, management, infrastructure and lab facilities provided here. Faculties guidance throughout the degree program helped students to excel in studies, skills, Tech Fests and Placements. Even during pandemic, regular online classes were very well managed by the college and the students got good placements. Overall, this institute is excellent and can be trusted. From: Gajanand Akhre father of Manasi Akhre(CS- IV year)
Kunal Karda
The opportunities and experience I got from SKITM made my skills and competence rise up to the zenith. The teachers were very supportive, especially in third and fourth year in respect to the guidance they offer which is like limelight to any aspiring engineer.The tech fest at SKITM leveraged my coding skills, confidence and inspired me to expand the horizon of knowledge.
Vaibhavi Shah
SKITM makes me the best version of myself. All faculty members and our seniors encourage us for all extracurricular activities. I felt grateful that the mentors are supportive and guide me. In the last, my experience in SKITM is great and memorable.
Sarthak Rawat
I joined SKITM in 2018 for B.Tech and now SKITM has changed my life completely. This institute brings that supremacy of examination in me to scrutinize myself. Besides that, this institute works in all our pheripheral development, which helps us to achieve our goals. The motive of this institution is to work in all the dynamics of students where they can learn, become skilled, then innovate new things and transform themselves in the world of new technologies.
Honey Hardasani
For B.Tech, I joined the SKITM in 2018 and SKITM has a wonderful environment of studies. It changed the dynamics of academics. The faculty and management of the college guides you in every field for building our career. Besides that, this institute works in the nourishment of students where they get to know their potential and enhance their capability, which helps us to achieve our aim. The motive of this institution is to motivate us to become a leader and a man of principles in every aspect of our life. SKITM is an organization where people learn to become an achiever and conquer success in their life.
Ayush Mamoriya
I can positively say SKITM College of Engineering has made me a better person. It has helped me develop a positive attitude towards my studies and discover more about myself. Teachers are very caring and interested in students' well-being. They make sure every class is educational and interactive.
Zubeida Khan
I thank SKITM family for encouraging me to think globally and spread my wings to take off to the land of the rising sun, my college life gives me a memory to cherish for a lifetime.
Kriti Jain
SKITM has given a platform to share ideas, build personality. It has good exposure to every kind of facility like the lab, instruments, library, fest, seminar etc. The thing which I like most was that faculties are very helpful and always encourage us to grow up in curricular and cocurricular activities and always being with us in challenging work as well.
Sheenam Qureshi
SKITM has fulfilled all my requirements and helped me to grow and evolve as a professional. The classes are very interactive. Apart from academics, my department always takes extra effort by providing us with opportunities like software training, industrial visits, internship etc. to develop our skills required to match the needs of the industry. I express my heartfelt thanks to the institutions and faculties.
Mahima Sharma
It was my immense luck and fortune to be the part of SKITM college where I can grow. It been a great contributor to the development of my personality. It gave me an opportunity to meet different kind of people and learned many things.
Nikita Mishra
It was a great experience studying at SKITM, a memory to cherish for lifetime. My experience at SKITM was full of learning and grooming. The entire faculty and department leaves no stone unturned to shape one's future. Huge respect, love and devotion for the entire faculty, members and department.
Anjali Chouhan
Throughout my two years of MBA at SKITM, I had countless opportunities to develop analytical skills, leadership and proactive thinking through various programs and events. These attributes were the key reasons because of which I was very much confident to face the real world. Big thanks to all my faculty and friends for the amazing journey at SKITM.
Prashansa Agrawal
SKITM shaped me from the day one to face the corporate world. The environment in the college has taught me to be innovative and meticulous in approach to any strategic goals set for a professional. Whether the work scope is within domain of expertise or not, a proper approach can solve all issues in hand. It’s because of the knowledge I gained in SKITM. It was the support of my teachers/ mentors which motivated me to THINK BIG & GET BIG. Thank You FMS, SKITM for bringing a positive attitude to face challenges.
Lucky Dhakad
The infrastructure of the SKITM is really very good. The campus is neat and well-maintained. The classrooms are very spacious and have a good environment to learn in. The canteen is clean and neatly maintained. Our faculties are really good and help the students in every aspect and are really supportive. Our institution is really good for placement and training.
Vidhi Yadav
SKITM believes in quality education. Teaching facilities are excellent in the institute. The students are always their priority. So that they can help the students to enhance their skill and professional abilities. The environment and infrastructure of SKITM is wonderful. Also, the activities organized by the college are very helpful and good.
Ishant Sharma
SKITM is a place where you can find an amalgamation of learning. It gives great opportunity as well as support from the faculties and placement officers. I loved the infrastructure of SKITM and its learning process. The events that I took part helped me to grow my confidence level. I would like to specially thank the faculties and the placement cell for guiding me and providing me a good platform for my career.
Hiteshika Jadhav
My time at SKITM truly changed who I am and who I still want to become professionally and personally. The culture at SKITM fostered the sharing of ideas, critical discussions, and collaboration among students and faculty across a wide range of interests. What I loved about the faculty was that they always entertained new ideas no matter where they came from; even if, and especially when, they were challenging to their own work. But I did not only learn from them. I learned equally much from my fellow students who became my friends and family and with whom I still work with and learn from today.
Yash Jain
The MBA program at SKITM provided an opportunity for me to build a strong network of students, faculty, and alumni and offered numerous networking events that really helped me understand the industry. The MBA degree checked all the boxes for technical, analytical, and business skills that are absolutely essential to building a strong career in analytics. The courses didn’t just help me build my skills but also helped me communicate myself and build my confidence.
Akshita Sogani
SKITM equipped me with multi-dimensional skills and provided me with a platform to interact with like-minded peers, intellectuals, and eminent persons of Industry. Learning during lectures was fascinating as most of the course work is based on case studies, group discussions, knowledge sharing with peers, and finally applying those learning’s to the industry through an internship at renowned companies.