/***/ Republic Day Celebration 26 January 2023 - SKITM

Republic Day Celebration 26 January 2023

  • January 26, 2023 - 09:00

The 72nd Republic Day was celebrated with pride and reverence at SKITM, Indore. The ceremony began with the hoisting of the tricolor flag by Dr. Piyush Trivedi, Advisor SKITM, Indore, accompanied by Dr. Ashok Kumat, Vice Chairman, and Dr. Sanjay Purkar, Director, SKITM, Indore.

Flag hoisting was followed by the National Anthem to pay tribute to the motherland.

A cricket match was organized in between faculty members and students, at institutes Cricket ground.






  • Start Date:January 26, 2023
  • Start Time:09:00
  • End Date:January 26, 2023
  • End Time:16:00